It’s time to see your congregation reach its full potential.
Welcome, Pastors, Clergy, and Lay People!
Hey there, Sidney here,
CEO of Crossing Capital Group!
When Rich and I founded Crossing Capital Group in 2017, our mission was simple: to help under-financed congregations recognize that they can still make a great impact even with limited financial capital.
So many congregations are the centers of the community but often lack the financing to serve the community. We founded Crossing Capital Group to help churches see the value that they have not only to their congregation but also to the larger communities.
The Fishing Differently™ model has impacted thousands across the nations, and I’ve had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of churches, seminaries, and community congregations on how to maximize their community impact, increase their revenue, and scale their ministry.
If you haven’t already, be sure to download our FREE GUIDE: “From Empty Pews to Community Cornerstone: 8 Steps to Leveraging Your Assets to Generate Income for Ministry Expansion Beyond Tithes & Offerings.”
Once you’ve done that, your next step is to invest in our Fishing Differently Congregational Assessment tool. If you’re ready to work with us directly, take some time to learn more about our advisory services.
Let’s walk you through how it works…
Are you ready?